5 Signs You’re Dealing With an Energy Vampire

5 signs of an energy vampire that empaths should watch out for.

An energy vampire is someone who drains your energy. They often aren’t aware of this but they can also be very intentional like someone with narcissist traits. Energy vampires are drawn to us empaths and HSP’s because we give off such good vibes and we often are so generous and giving.

This time of year you might be going out more and visiting family, friends, and so you’re more likely to bump into a few energy vampires. I want you to be prepared in case this happens to you or you might already be struggling in a relationship with an energy vampire.

Here are 5 signs of an energy vampire:

  1. Whenever you’re around them, you feel like they suck the life out of you
  2. While interacting with this person you might suddenly feel nauseous or dizzy
  3. A friend, co-worker, or family member rushes to tell you all their problems and they don’t let you talk or give you space. Once they’re done, they seem so much happier or they’re like, “I feel so much better” while you feel like they took a 💩 on you.
  4. The person is often the victim and blames everyone or everything else for their problems. You show them support and you try to validate them but then they don’t want to hear it. They just stay quiet when you give them advise. Or worse their body language is like, “Yeah, whatever…”
  5. They are a drama queen or drama king. Their life is one big novela. You feel so exhausted from their toxic and trauma drama energy.

👉🏽What to do when you’re around an energy vampire? Run the other direction.🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️

Just kidding, but that is an option…

✨First you need to become aware of some of the signs of an energy vampire. You’re not imagining it. Your body and intuition are signaling to you that you need to protect your energy.

✨You can protect your energy by keeping good physical and energetic boundaries.

✨Use deep breathing to relax your nervous system and to calm your mind. This will help ground you into your body and then be able to be the observer and not absorb their energy.

Let me know if this was helpful and if you have any questions about energy vampires and tools to protect your energy.

Please Like, Share, and Comment if this resonates with you!

Learn more about Jennifer by visiting her website, TheMysticLivingSchool.com, a healing and spiritual arts training provider for holistic professionals, personal development, and spiritual growth.

Follow me on Instagram @mysticlivingschool for more spiritual and healing tips for empaths, healers, and soulpreneurs.

8 Practical Ways To Use Energy Medicine In Your Everyday Life And To Help Others

Did you know there are many forms of energy healing? 

Reiki is one form of energy healing which is very popular and most commonly known. It’s become one of the most accepted forms of “alternative medicine” by the medical and wellness community. 

However, I’m not a Reiki practitioner so I often have to explain the type of energy work (energy medicine) I do which involves a variety of metaphysical and vibrational medicines that are natural forms of the elements, spiritual rituals, ancestral work, intuition, and working with spirit guides. 

This can all feel mysterious and worrisome for those who grew up in a religious household or who are still practicing Catholics or Christians. If this is you too, don’t worry I’m not here to change your beliefs around your religion or brainwash you to do something evil. 

I’m here to demystify and share the benefits of ancient healing practices that can strengthen your faith and build trust in yourself to the modern ways of practical forms of sacred self-care and healing.

Here’s 8 practical ways to use energy medicine to deepen your healing journey and confidently and unapologetically use your healing abilities to help your community.

  1. Have a daily simple yet powerful sacred self-care ritual… 
  • Use incense like frankincense or palo santo to cleanse your mind, body, and aura
  1. Listen to healing frequencies such as sound healing meditations while you: 
  • Clean your house 
  • Drive in traffic
  • After an argument
  • While taking care of your baby or kids
  • Cook
  1. Work with healing crystals to activate your inner guidance to be in your power.
  • Take 3 minutes of uninterrupted time and place a lapis lazuli at your third eye (in between your eyebrows) and just breathe
  • Listen to sound healing frequencies to enhance your experience
  • Then just go on with your day without overthinking about whether what you just did is working or not
  • Lapis lazuli is a healing crystal known to enhance intuition, confidence, and clears mental fog
  1. Take a spiritual bath or shower with everyday magical herbs and plant medicine such as: 
  • Lavender to calm the mind
  • Rosemary for protection especially for us empaths who feel drained from emotional vampires and toxic people/environments
  • Basil for self-love, abundance, and to clear negative energy
  1. Diffuse or apply essential oils over your heart, neck, wrists, or behind ears. Try using:
  • Ylang, Ylang for releasing sadness and bringing more states of playfulness into your energy body
  • Patchouli for grounding and connecting to your body
  • Rose oil to activate self-love, compassion, and healing
  1. Light an intentional candle for anything and everything magical…
  • Candles are the vehicle of your personal power 
  • Fire is the element of transformation and the flame releases energy over time
  • Burn a yellow candle for more confidence, your divination practice, and to activate your visions
  • Yellow is the element of air (the mind) 
  • Use a yellow candle while you meditate and pray so you can connect with divine energy and your intuition
  1. Use breathwork to release stored trauma in the body. 
  • Breath is a powerful tool to gently release stored trauma in the body
  • Try the wave breath for 2 minutes
  • Wave breath is a two part breath technique all through the mouth: 1st inhale into the belly 2nd inhale into the chest. Then exhale out the mouth. Repeat this for 2 minutes or until it becomes too much. Build up to 5 minutes.
  • You may do this lying down or sitting up
  1. Cleanse your aura.
  • The aura is the subtle energies that vibrate around your whole physical body which can be affected by your environment and within your own emotional, mental, and psychological bodies.
  • Cleanse your aura when you want to feel less angry, drained, or negative
  • Use a feather or your hands and use a sweeping motion around your whole body (top of head all the way down to your feet, front and back sides, right and left sides) to remove anything that is sticking to your auric field
  • Just breathe and close your eyes. Feel lighter and lighter.

What did you think of these 8 practical ways to incorporate energy medicine into your life? Which one resonates with you? Share in the comments below.

If you’d like to learn more about energy medicine and want to use it for yourself and to help others, get on my Energy Healing Practitioner Certification Waitlist! You’ll be first to get notified when registration opens. Sign up here

This blog is intended for information purposes only. The shared content does not replace any medical advice and does not guarantee the results you are seeking. Use these tips at your leisure and with common sense practices. Consult a mental health or medical practitioner if you need further medical treatment.

How Can Energy Healing Transform Your Life?

energy healing

Energy healing has become more accepted into the mainstream and I’m so happy that people are beginning to be more open about these ancient practices. I hope that people know energy work is not just limited to the new-age community, celebrities, witches, or woo-woo types. All walks of life are using this approach to up level themselves. Hospitals and some of the medical fields are incorporating energy healing as a complimentary intervention to help improve people’s lives. If you’ve been curious, are a skeptic, or just drawn to the magic of energy healing, let me explain what it is in very simple terms. I’ve been studying and practicing the various types of energy healing for over 20 years. My desire comes from a personal place and a seeker of knowledge to understand how different cultures have traditionally practiced healing. This is what I’ve come to understand about energy work. 

Energy healing work is an intuitively, divinely sourced, and vibrational experience that changes your energy field (mind, body, soul) to release what does not serve you. The energy work attunes (harmonizes) with higher frequency’s to bring balance and restores the natural flow of energy back into the well-being and health of a person. Here are a few examples of how energy work can be a transformational healing process:

  • Releases energetic blockages
  • Recovery from traumatic and negative subconscious (thoughts, attention patterns) programing
  • Clears physical, mental, emotional, and cellular pains and ailments
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Heightens all your senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, intuition)
  • Deeper connections with divine wisdom, spirituality, God, Creator, Higher Power
  • Reduction of stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks resulting in higher levels of peace, compassion, imagination, calming energy, and forgiveness 
  • You live more intentionally, with purpose, and direct your energy towards doing things you are passionate about
  • Clarity of your life purpose and fullest potential

The reason energy healing works is because everything is vibration. We live in a world made up of energy or vibration. When we tap into the craft of vibrational healing, we learn to go beyond the ego or analytical mind. Energy healing work vibrates at a higher frequency while pain, suffering, disease, and anything that isn’t serving you vibrates at a lower, slower frequency.  Get it? The awakening begins to happen and we begin to learn how healing work is something everyone can do. However, not everyone is open to self-healing or interested in learning how to heal themselves. Don’t worry…I got you! You don’t have to go out and start studying to receive the benefits of energy healing. That’s why there’s a whole industry of energy healers, curanderas, holistic practitioners, bodyworkers, acupuncturists, spiritual teachers, and the like who are ready to help you move forward in your life.

There are many energy healing modalities (tools) to choose from, so to make it easy, I’m going to share with you what I use for myself, with clients, and for healing ceremonies:

  • Crystal healing or crystal therapy
  • Sound therapy or sound healing
  • Aromatherapy 
  • Aura & chakra clearing and balancing
  • Smudging
  • The Elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) and Directions (North, South, East, West, Above, Below)
  • Trance journeys
  • Chanting mantras or affirmations
  • Connecting to divine guidance
  • Moon rituals
  • Pendulum dowsing
  • Color healing
  • Candle magic
  • Healing touch
  • The body’s meridian system
  • Meditation
  • Prana or breathwork exercises

More specifically, I use energy healing to help people experience:

  • Stress Relief and Relaxing Trance Journeys
  • Healing Heartbreak or Toxic Relationships
  • Recovery from Childhood and Generational Trauma
  • Cleansing Mental, Emotional, or Creative blockages
  • Self-Love Attunement
  • Energy Balancing
  • Health, Love, and Happiness Abundance Activation
  • Release Anger, Jealousy, and Resentments
  • Life Purpose Alignment 
  • Releasing Ancestral Cords


brittany-colette-707605-unsplash (1)
Photo by Brittany Colette Unsplash

An easy way to get you started on your own personal energy healing journey is to get yourself some sage. You’ll find sage at your nearest metaphysical, whole foods, and novelty stores. You will use the sage to clear your physical surroundings and remove any negative energy from yourself that is blocking you from receiving what you want. This form of energy clearing is called smudging. You burn the sage and just let the sacred smoke move around your body from head to toe. This sacred herb smells delicious so it will aid you with feeling really relaxed and calm, as well as it purifies your mind, body, emotional, and energetic bodies. To purify your space, direct the smoke in each of the four corners of your space. You can say out loud or quietly in your mind an affirmation, prayer, or chant to set your intentions. You can do this ritual cleansing daily or whenever you need to. 

If you’d like to learn more about Jennifer Escalera visit my website here or schedule a FREE 30-minute Inner Journey Clarity Consultation, contact her at info@koshawellness.com or book a free consultation HERE. Follow my blog if you’d like to see more from me.  

If you found this helpful, please like and share. Comment below if you have anything to share. Thank you! 


12 Self-Love Tools For Happiness and Self-Acceptance

When I first started my journey to self-love and self-acceptance, I had to get crystal clear on how I wanted to feel and what I wanted to experience in life. This included taking responsibility for my own happiness. I would meditate, pray, and studied metaphysical and spiritual practices to help heal my love wounds and childhood traumas. I was searching for answers and divine guidance. My path to self-help went beyond psychotherapy and books. I found self-love, self-acceptance, healing, happiness and so much more through ancient, sacred, and mystic practices and wisdom. Therefore, I have summarized a list of my top 12 self-love tools from a sacred, mystical approach that have worked for me in my own happiness, healthy relationships, forgiveness, health, my business, vibrant energy, and worthiness. This list is useful for everyone and you don’t need to be a spiritual person or mystic to receive the wisdom. However, if you’re on the path to seeking more happiness and self-growth, continue reading…

I hope this list bring you closer to reaching your desires and all that you deserve! 


12 Self-Love Tools For Happiness and Self-Acceptance

1. SECURITY: It’s a place that allows us to see the unknown or unseen as we immerse ourselves in unconditional love and forgiveness.

2. COURAGEOUS: We engage in rituals, spiritual practices, energy medicine that we integrate into everyday life which manifests self-love and self-care

3. CREATIVITY: A sacred process in self honoring to recognize the true meaning of self-worth and self-compassion

4. INTUITION: We see the blocks or obstacles that prevent us from truly understanding who we are and what our potentials are in living a life of freedom and life purpose

5. BALANCE: Understanding there is duality within ourselves and our experiences as we raise our consciousness of wholeness. We are of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies. We are the shadow. We are the light. 

6. ABUNDANCE: Waking up in the morning feeling inspired, grateful, powerful, recharged, and fulfilled in every way imaginable. Infinite blessings radiate from our actions, thoughts, and feelings. 

7. ENERGIZED: We see ourselves as energy beings. You’re motivated to dissolve frequencies that are consciously or subconsciously preventing you from feeling joy and happiness. Eliminate negativity, toxicity, anxiety, sadness, lack of love, or stress by releasing those frequencies. We have the power to release these from our body, mind, cellular memory, every dimension, and generational timeline.  Transmute these low frequencies into love and light. Fill your heart and cells with love and gratitude. 

8. GRATITUDE: Focus on how good life is. We choose to design our life with meaning. Self-reflection is a sacred time to be thankful for all the joyful things that happen to us and we pay it forward by being kind and compassionate to people, Mother Earth, animals, our ancestors. Thank God, Spirit, Universe, whatever you call a higher power, and spirit guides for living another day… 

9. SOULFUL: We are called to connect with our native consciousness. We are aligned to our soul’s journey. We begin to be unconditional towards ourselves. We find space for inner peace, self acceptance, and clarity around our life purpose. We commit to a spiritual and awakened path that includes emotional and soulful maturity. Taking care of yourself and each other is part of our soul journey.

10. GROUNDED: You feel in your body. You’re stable. Present. Alert-awake-focused on the NOW that feels balanced and centered. Imagine a gold light flowing up from the ground into the bottoms of your feet and straight up through the body in a straight line and out through the top of the head, and into the sky. Your mind is calm and body is relaxed.

11. LIGHT: This is multifaceted. When we practice self-love, you can feel lightness in your body. You’ve lifted the heaviness of trauma, pain, and suffering out of your mind, body, and soul which helps you to feel airy and fluid. Your light is your soul. It’s what activates your drive, happiness, and divine energy. You feel a connection to the divine or higher source. The awakened self rejoices and feels happiness and freedom.

12. MAGICK: When we embody self-love, we easily become connected to Mother Earth and the feelings of compassion, inner bliss, and trust in the flow of the divine path. We understand that we are our own healer. We work with our chi energy (universal life force/aliveness) to bring us peace, improved health, and self-healing. We our abundant and infinite beings. Our imagination, intuition, and divine consciousness expands our possibilities beyond the present. We tap into our personal power, self-confidence, worthiness, and desires to help heal the world. 

What has your path to self-love been like? Where are you willing to practice on a daily basis for more happiness and joy? Comment below…

Sign up HERE for my free MP3 audio Self-Love Guided Meditation sent to your inbox and receive my newsletters, event updates, special offers, and strategies to help you with self-love, relationships, and self-care!

8 Ways You Can Start Building A Stronger Relationship With Your Intuition

Do you know the signs of your intuition? I’ve asked my energy healing students this question, and this is what I often hear:

“I don’t know if I have it in me…”

“I would like to silence the voices in my head that judge me…”

“I don’t know what I’m doing…”

“I don’t know how to tap into that…”

You’ll notice there is a lot of self-doubt.  

Can you relate?

In case you struggle too with trusting your intuition, especially when it comes to healing yourself and helping others, and struggling to believe you can have a thriving career as an energy worker. 

Here are my top 8 ways you can start building a stronger relationship with your intuition so that you can start manifesting more self-trust, balance, joy, and confidence everyday:

  1. Notice when you’re overthinking and having intrusive negative thoughts that prevent you from trusting yourself and your intuition. This is a sign that your intuition is blocked and your disconnected from your intuition which will continue to cause self-doubt and anxiety. Here’s what you can do to reconnect with your intuition – do your own spiritual and energetic hygiene. What rituals or spiritual practices do you enjoy? Maybe it’s meditating…using palo santo to clear your energy body…do you pray…start connecting to your spiritual practices and rituals for a better connection to your intuition!
  1. Your intuition is non-linear. You may not get a clear answer right away which is often a mistake people make which again causes more self-doubt. If you are trying to get clarity about a decision and you want to work with your intuition, you may have to wait for the answers to gradually come through. Look for the synchronicities (patterns), conversations, spirit animals, numbers, songs — these are signs that will show you what to do about your situation. Try hard not to doubt these signs!
  1. If you’re not sure if it’s your intuition or fear, just sleep it off or do nothing until you find clarity. Sometimes anxiety and fear activates our nervous system because our intuition is confirming something for you and whether it’s good or bad, this next step can cause you a physical reaction. Trust your vibes and stay in your body.
  1. Whenever you feel disconnected from your intuition, the easiest way to reconnect is through playfulness and laughter. Ironically, we as empaths/HSP (Highly Sensitive People) are often very serious and in our heads. So we need that jovial energy to balance our vibrations so that we can make a strong connection with our inner guidance.
  1. Pay attention to how your intuition communicates to you. Your intuition may  communicate to you through tingling sensations, a ringing in your ear, you just know something, you have visions, and more
  1. In order for you to connect with your intuition, you need to be grounded. There are many ways to get grounded like being in nature, moving your body, and being creative
  1. Being grounded puts you in the present moment. When you are present, you are conscious to your intuition which helps you trust what you sense. Try it out!!
  1. When you are too involved in other people’s business or you’re trying to just save everyone around you and you forget about yourself, you will lose your connection to your intuition. It’s important to take time (it can be 1 minute) to reset. You need to calm your nervous system so that you can get reconnected with your mind, body, and spirit

What is your relationship with your intuition? I’d love to know! Comment below and share it with me…

I hope this information about intuition is helpful. 



P.S. Ready to use your intuition to heal yourself and others? Book a free consultation here so I can answer any of your questions about my upcoming certification program.

Cosmic Self-Care Rituals

COSMICSELF-CARERITUALSThis is a monthly cosmic self-care ritual to help empaths, creatives, and intuitives to connect to the cosmic energies and spiritual practices that can support you to feel grounded, empowered, and balanced in mind, body, and spirit.  Keep it simple. These rituals are meant to be a guide. Tailor it to your personal needs and what your intuition may guide you to do. Let me know how it goes!


3 Simple Ways to Protect Your Energy:

  1. Create clear energetic boundaries i.e. say “no” when something doesn’t feel right, catch yourself when you have co-dependent tendencies and stop yourself, be mindful of your day-to-day schedule so you can notice how much energy you are using.
  2. Don’t surround yourself with emotional vampires (people who drain your energy).
  3. Use your crystals (i.e. obsidian for protection, black tourmaline to stay grounded and positive…) and smudge (cleanse with plant allies like sage or rosemary) yourself and your space to remove any negative energy.

Fill in the blank: I tune into my personal power to  __________________________. (use this as your personal monthly mantra/affirmation).

I would love to know how these self-care rituals work for you. Please comment below how you felt afterward or DM me and follow me on Instagram @mysticlivingschool. Remember to say Hello!

Cosmic Self-Care Rituals

COSMICSELF-CARERITUALSThis is a monthly cosmic self-care ritual to help you connect to the cosmic energies and a spiritual practice that can support you to feel grounded, empowered, and balanced in mind, body, and spirit.  Keep it simple. These rituals are meant to be a guide. Tailor it to your personal needs and what your intuition may guide you to do. Let me know how it goes!


I intuitively was drawn to do a 3 card New Moon spread for the collective this month using the Moonology oracle deck by Yasmin Boland. My intention for this spread is to find out how we can feel inspired to be playful or release what brings us down so we can create the space for more play, laughter, and joy. This is what I received:

Card 1 – What’s rising up in me? “Step out of your comfort zone.”

Card 2 – The main message of this New Moon. “Your dreams need a practical plan.”

Card 3 – The final outcome. “A time to give rather than take.”

Did this spread have any special messages for you? In reflection, did this spread inspire playful growth and passionate learning? I’d love to know what came through for you! I hope this spread helps you prepare for this month’s journey. The New Moon is the phase for new beginnings. I wish you abundance and love! 

Now, on to this month’s self-care ritual (s):

  1. Make time this month to be more playful. Keep it simple. What makes you laugh and activate peace within you? Get out of your head and into your heart…
  2. Tap into the cosmic and ancestral energies that are buzzing through our bodies and Mother Earth. Make room to meditate and get connected with your Higher Self. In case you need a nudge to get your meditation in motion, listen to my July’s Self-Love Affirmation meditation here. You’ll also find additional free meditations there on my Bandcamp site
  3. Get still. Use your breath to get calm. Tune into your intuitive, Higher Self to help you get clear on what you want to manifest. How can you wake up each morning with the mindset and vision of living on purpose, with a purpose, and direction?
  4. We have the new moon coming up on July 20/21st that will remind you of the time and space, and energy that you have to sit down and write out your wishes, do a moon ritual, and manifest more of a life you want and absolutely deserve! Join a moon circle or create one yourself with your sisters and/or brothers and create your lunar magick.
  5. Fill in the blank: I give myself permission to create time and space to be more playful so that I can  __________________________. (use this as your personal monthly mantra/affirmation).

I would love to know how these self-care rituals work for you. Please comment below how you felt afterward or DM me and follow me on Instagram @mysticlivingschool. Remember to say Hello!

Cosmic Self-Care Rituals


This is a monthly cosmic self-care ritual to help you connect to the cosmic energies and spiritual practice so you may feel grounded, empowered, and balanced in mind, body, and spirit.  Keep it simple. These rituals are meant to be a guide. Tailor it to your personal needs and what your intuition may guide you to do. Let me know how it goes!

Instructions for your self-care ritual:

  1. Reserve 10 minutes of uninterrupted time. Have some water with you in case your mouth gets dry from chanting.
  2. Get in a seated position (sit on a chair or floor cross leg).
  3. Chant (repeat mantra), “Om Shanti Om” for either 108 times or for as long as you can! This mantra will help you wish and spread peace for all living and non-living beings and to the entire universe.
  4. Close your eyes while you chant.
  5. Feel the vibrations of your voice bring balanced energy into your mind, body, and soul.
  6. As you begin to be in your body, feel calm, comfortable, and safe.
  7. Let go of your troubles and just be here now. Chanting will help you feel better on the inside and on the outside. Know that you have so much love for yourself and for others.
  8. Once you are done chanting, just take time to be present. Stretch out this graceful energy for as long as you want.

Fill in the blank: I hold space in my heart so I can manifest  __________________________. (use this as your personal monthly mantra/affirmation)

I would love to know how this self-care ritual works for you. Please comment below how you felt afterward or DM me and follow me on Instagram @mysticlivingschool.

7 Ways to Get Motivated: Achieve Your Goals Using a Mystical Approach

7 ways to get motivated.jpg

1. Get clear on what you want, need, or imagine what you would be doing because you’ve reached your goals.

Practice: work on your 3rd eye chakra

Use: tiger’s eye crystal, amethyst crystals. Do a 3rd eye guided meditation. Sound healing. Vibrational medicine to bring you clarity and intuitive vision.

2. Set deadlines. Use the moon cycles to help you keep track of your goals to reduce the feelings of overwhelm. This will give you direction.

Practice: Use the moon cycles to help you focus.

3. Grounding meditations & rituals to stay focussed so you don’t feel overwhelmed or anxious. Stay grounded to connect with your divine feminine.

Practice: Be present. use sound healing, sage, palo santos. Lavender oil. Smokey quartz crystal to help ground and stabilize. Oils in your diffuser or at your 3rd eye or behind your ears-myrrh, frankincense, anything earthy. Use these scents for incense, candles, oils.

4. Connect with a tribe or someone to keep you accountable and on track.

Practice: what’s your mindset? What’s blocking you? Excuses for planning ahead?

5. Post your goals where you can see them and to remind yourself. Allow this to be fun. Use your creativity.

Practice: make a collage. Use post it’s where you will see them.

6. Do some type of chakra balancing to nourish yourself and raise your vibrations to feel pumped about achieving your goals.

Practice: use pyrite crystal for chakra balance. Blend oils like citrus and earthy scents i.e. blend peppermint, lemon, and wild orange or with lavender, sandalwood.

7. Find your self-love remedies.

Practice: mantra-Self-Love Is Love. Laugh. Be Playful. Use your light. Sing. Dance. Be self-compassionate.


How to Use Sound Meditation to Heal Yourself #51

I intuitively create weekly sacred sound meditations using crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, rattles, my voice, and any other ancient tools that I’m guided to use to help people who want to go deep into vibrational healing and shift their frequency so they can connect to self and consciousness without judgment, improve confidence, create inner peace, deep relaxation, and calmness. Get instant access to a 5 minute sacred sound meditation HERE.

I teach people how to use sound healing to find inner peace, calmness, relaxation, and higher levels of consciousness so they can feel good inside/outside, more confident, and overall better health.

Today’s Sacred Sound Instruments and Healing Benefits:

We are focusing on the Heart & Third Eye chakras.

I used (2) Crystal singing bowls + Tingshas + Chimes with rose quartz

Here are some benefits to the instruments…

A#-for the pituitary gland, aka ‘Seat of the Soul.’ It is the link between our eternal soul and our incarnated self. It houses the memory of the soul contracts. Helps to activate our soul’s purpose. This chakra reminds us of our karmic lessons and how we grow from those lessons. 
F-associated with the heart chakra and the color green. Brings about compassion and love. Heals the heart and and increases the love nature. Corresponds to communication.
Tingshas-used at the beginning and ending of the meditation.
Chimes-Rose quartz helps with self-love for others. Brings about compassion, forgiveness, and gentleness. It can aid sexual and emotional imbalance. Place rose quartz in both hands for more balance during today’s meditation. 

To help create sacred wisdom and intention for today’s meditation, I used the Soul’s Journey cards by James Van Praagh to guide me on what we need to hear this week. I pulled, Blame-I accept responsibility for my well-being.

Blame is a high vibration (as it relates to this card I drew). When you practice personal accountability, you take full ownership of your life. That includes “blaming” yourself aka personal responsibility for your life path. 

Allow today’s meditation to help you tap into your heart chakra so you can reach clarity and personal responsibility. It’s letting go of fears or worries emotionally that may get stuck in your solar plexus. 

Get instant access to a 5 minute sacred sound meditation here: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/x5k8a1

Do you practice personal responsibility whether an outcome is positive or negative? How does taking action with your well-being make your life easier? Are you worthy of a joyful and freedom lifestyle?
Set aside 10 minutes once a week to journal your responses to this weeks meditation and the inner journey questions. Notice what shows up for you.
Use all your senses (sound, touch, taste, sight, intuition, smell) to help bring about the frequency of acceptance. See how that changes your day, the next day, and after that.
Begin to visualize or imagine where you want to go during your sacred sound meditation. Take a deep breath, and sense how you can use today’s sound healing to find compassion and excitement for everything you experience? During your meditation, your senses will be heightened and you may see colors, shapes, sounds, images, feelings, memories, and unconscious experiences that will be brought to your consciousness.


1. Listen to the meditation with earphones for optimum benefits.
2. Get in a comfortable position. 
3. Set your intention.
4. Three to five deep, slow breathes to relax the body.
5. Unplug and honor this time ONLY for YOU.
6. And Tune Up.
7. Enjoy!

Get instant access to a 5 minute sacred sound meditation here: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/x5k8a1

By signing up today, you’ll immediately receive and every Tuesday a free downloadable meditation delivered to your inbox. The meditation takes you through a beautiful trance to help you tune up your vibrational energy through the use of sacred sounds.


What benefits do you get from sound healing? What do you enjoy about sound meditations? Share your comments below. If you’d like me to share a personal experience with one of these meditations on my YouTube channel, please email me your story at jenescalera@gmail.com. I will share it in a future video.
I hope you found this helpful! 
Bye for now,